Monday, August 4, 2008

kindred spirits

the pettiness that is nursing drives me nuts...i find myself getting drawn in and i hate that! the other night there was this big baby girl (a term kid) who the nurse could not get blood from. so i offered to do an art stick (which, not to brag...i am fairly good at)...because the nurse is older than me in years but not in experience i got rejected. and this is not the first time... often this nurse reacts this way to me because of the inability of people to band together and rely on each other. i hate that i get persecuted because of my age...i have good assesment skills and excellent bedside manner. i am a great help to my patients and their families...just because i am young doesn't mean i don't have experience. i have seen lots of kids with lots of stuff that this nurse has never seen before. i got frustrated. have to remember that there are nurses who redeem the process...for example...i am not the best at venipunctures. we just didn't do them where i worked i was hesistant to do one on my kid because i didn't want to waste what veins he had left. but this very seasoned nurse encouraged me to do one and really helped me be successful...there are kindred souls in nursing...just sometimes, they are few and far between.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Nurstoon Nursing Cartoons - Alarms

Nurstoon Nursing Cartoons - Alarms

nursing is an art. a fine interweaving of skills that is taught, yes, but is also inherently found within an individual. you either have it or you don't. some things cannot be taught or learned, they just are...the intellect needed to be one of the finest nurse's in the profession is addition, the level of excellence with physical skills often reaches a level that feels, for some, unattainable. i have decided to begin this blog as an outlet for myself. nurses are among those groups of professionals that develop burnout the quickest. i ask...why? is it because we so selflessly give of our time and emotions and we involve ourselves in the care of our patients without any thought to how is this going to effect my life? or is it because we often do not get the respect that other groups of professionals receive? i believe it is because nurses are most often women and women are talkers and talking often gets us into trouble. so...instead of talking, i have turned to writing, or rather typing to relieve some tension that occurs at work. i endeavor to fill this blog with musings, both positive and negative, that impact my world at work so that i might become a healthier nurse that can give my patients the care that they invariable deserve.